Since time immemorial people have resorted to the help of the magic: some want to strengthen your health or return a loved one, the second to learn or change their destination, and others – to attract the luck. In this latter case, you can begin to talk about the subject of luck, and then he is going to have magical properties that will make people happy.

If you constantly pursues a succession of failures – this is serious think of how to change things. Here two outputs: consult a seer, who possesses magical abilities, or learn the main practices that can be performed by itself, and its effectiveness is visible in literally followed.
The rules of execution of the rituals
It is important to remember that the end result not only depends on spoken words, or of the selected objects to the conspiracy, but also of the compliance of the specific rules of the person who is going to perform the ritual.
What you need to know for all those who want to begin to talk about the thing the love, luck and happiness:
- Even the white magic is dangerous, therefore, before resorting to your help, it is necessary to think about its consequences. In place of white in the life, by contrast, bars may appear black, and in place of love, quarrels or lack of decent work of the person of the side. However, all of this occurs with greater frequency when, during the ritual, you will make mistakes, or people who simply do not believe in the power of magic and uses it for the fun;
- If you can not learn the words of the prayer, you can write on a sheet of paper, but after reading immediately burned with the flames of the candles of the church;
- During the rite of the living room should be the driver of your person. The noise, the banter, the laughter and the presence of strangers are not allowed;
- It is not recommended to perform the rituals during the pregnancy: it cause problems with the child or childbirth, and in the future, the failure can attract your child;
- If for any reason fails to independently read the conspiracy (e.g., by fear), you can ask for help to another person, but then, it should be appreciated that the conspiracy has been effective in the desired direction;
- 3 days before the procedure, it is recommended to leave the alcohol and junk food. In the diet should be only useful products: they have positive energy;
- A few days before the ceremony, you have to try to avoid disputes and scandals: they affect an energy field;
- About his intention of performing the ritual cannot be someone to count, as well as after its completion. Everything must remain a secret, otherwise the conspiracy will do nothing.
Taking into account these details during the carrying out of the ceremony, it may be totally safe and effective, and then it is really will attract good luck and happiness.
As you begin to speak of a thing of luck?

For that always accompanied the luck in all cases, you must find the favorite the thing and read more than 12 times this prayer to attract well-being, which necessarily will affect all the spheres of life.
"Like a squirrel who wore a fur coat-not demolished Like you (naming the thing) I have the luck, the happiness you brought. So be it!"
There is another variant of the conclusion of the ceremony, for which you'll need a simple pin:
- Wait until when the Moon reaches the new moon phase;
- At midnight we took a pin and we read about it:
"The moon is born again, the force of his awakening and walked to me directed. The luck of my this pin does not come out, like the moon with the sky forever not say goodbye. On the heels of the luck I was going to go, I have a big to do! Amen!"
- It is desirable to make a ritual each time at the full moon, and then the luck will surely never forsake you.
There is a third way, which helps to attract good luck to your side:
- Take the cord, making him the hair;
- It is necessary to begin to speak of lace, condemning designed for these purposes of prayer:
"Soon luck come to me around. Luck in life comes in the door, always to me you will return."
Is the easiest option to attract the fortune — simply tie the cord of the left leg, said: "the Cord tie, lucky-to-l tie". In spite of the ease that has no less magical powers, that the conspiracies.
All objects with the plot it is advisable to bring with you: that are going to fill the role of pets and protect the wearer from diseases and problems.
The conspiracy on a keychain
For this ritual you will need to of agate, which in the future should hang on a keychain for the keys or the phone. What you should do:
- Wash the stone under running water;
- When you reach midnight, the light of the candles, agate have in their hands and saying,"Help me, agatha, helps, protects and brings luck";
- In addition to the warranty, the stone can be worn as a pendant, the main thing is take it consistently and frequently in the hands, thinking of their own success.
The rite of luck
This ritual is very versatile: it promotes good fortune in the career, the love and other important for each one of the human aspects. How it works:
- From midnight to 3 hours of sleep from Saturday to Sunday we close to the mirror, we are in the hands of the church the candle;
- We read the prayer of the antichrist:
"Deliver me, o lord, from the seduction nasty and the cunning of the antichrist that will come, and gethsemane I of networks manifests itself in the desert of Thy salvation. Give me my, oh lord, strength and courage of the solid confession of Your holy name, yes I didn't change out of fear for the evil, yes no denying It, the savior and my redeemer, the holy one in Your Church. But give me to me, lord, night and day the weeping and the tears of my sins, and forgive mya, lord, in the time of the final Judgment of Your. Amen"
Cook about sailing, taking the cotton fabric. We put everything under your pillow at night.
The rituals in a pin

Since ancient times, the pin is considered to be the best talisman against the evil eye, therefore, is used in many rites. Begin to speak of its success can be of the following way:
- Take a bowl, put 3 tablespoons of salt, the rice and the sugar, we open up a pin and stick in the slide of them;
- We leave the attributes of all the night so that no one has seen;
- From the morning we took a pin, and the contents of the dish by throwing in the earth and bury.
If protection is needed from the heartache, the evil eye and spoilage and customs of this rite:
- Open a pin and say: "the Enemies position, all the wrong fixes, I defends, the corruption, and turn away the evil eye. Amen";
- Please find attached the amulet to the clothes and carry without having to remove.
There is a third way to attract good luck, with the help of pins:
- At the time of the moon in the phase of growth on Friday we bought a pin and a candle of white color, and on Tuesday we comply with the ritual;
- Light the candle and prikalivaet the flame of a pin, whispering a conspiracy in the participation of the guardian angel:
"Oh god, an angel came! The guardian, which I defend. Of the evil of gethsemane, clean flame wash. Yes it is so. Amen!"
Wet the tip of a pin into the wax, when everything cools down – the anchor of your clothes.
The conspiracies of wealth and good luck
The precarious financial situation can be easily fixed with the help of coins of 5 cents if you begin to speak in the following way:
- We put the coin in the left hand and read specially designed for her the conspiracy:
"Money, money, wallets to handbags. As the sun light turns to gold, and a penny of my lucy, brought the money, the joy of the gave. As has been said, and it is done. I know that my words strong and firm steps. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the holy spirit. Amen."
- We get the currency during the year, and then repeat the rite.
The money is desirable to give to anybody in the hand and put your time finishing the ritual, in the portfolio in a pocket.
Gold ring to attract good luck
This rite is one of the most effective, since the gold has been used as a being endowed with the magical power of an attribute. How to make the fact of it a ring brought happiness:
- Take the yarn of wool, put them on the table and put into it the ring;
- We keep a candle in your right hand and read: "theBreast of the blue-the blue of the sea he lived, his nest there, vila. Put a ring on it have found and I immediately brought. I'll go dress, to men of good utility. All I most intimate secrets are open all of the doors open, my whole being. Amen!";
- We try to use the ring of the conspiracy all the time, keeping it in a hidden place.
Only faith in the power of magic, and his own luck to help speed up the results of the rites: in this case, the changes in life are evident, but in order to do this, it can take a while.